May the Force Be with You!

2 min readJun 14, 2021


Star Wars movie was launched. It created a big impact by bringing a world full of wonders and expanded our imagination! A New Hope has come!

This is exactly how we feel at Easy Taxi. Partnering with Disney, we have changed driver and passenger icons in the Android application in honoring the Star Wars movie.

We did this because we are Star Wars’ fans (and who isn’t) and that is a good enough reason, which represents exactly what we are accomplishing here.

For a long period of time, we have suffered the burdens of growth, and we deviated from our path…

“Fear is the path to the dark side.” — Yoda

This created twisted feelings within our company making everyone lose their faith, hope…

[Luke:] I can’t believe it.
[Yoda:] That is why you fail.

…but we are now back on track!

As mentioned in the previous posts, motivation and innovation are the keys that are essential for a software company to thrive. And we should never forget about that!

“Always pass on what you have learned”- Yoda

And we are still learning! There are so much to learn… This action is having a great impact! Users are talking about us on Instagram and Facebook.

With a simple idea, the right motivation and incremental code changes, we can make a big impact.

Simple = Doable
Motivation = Meaningful, people are happy to do it
Small Code Change = Easy, not a burden
Impact = Delight our users, both drivers and passengers

And for sure we will continue learning more!

A New Hope has come to Easy Taxi. Prepare for the Return of Jedi!

The Force Awakens!

May the force be with you!

December 17, 2015
By Eduardo Iwai, Former CPO at Easy Taxi




Engenheiro viciado em colocar ideias em prática e fazer códigos alcançarem a realidade